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Creator: Zacharias Holmberg
Added: 14.08.21
Menidiath date: -
Tags: Lenori

Voyagers, explorers and colonisers. Though the Lenorians make up a small nation, but their drive and stubbornness more than makes up for it. Their nation came into existence as the result of a revolution, which has colored both the people and their society ever since. There is very little in the way of nobility or a wealthy class, as the Lenorians are very quick to discourage anyone trying to take more than their fair share. Though this makes for a rather tumultuous political climate, it also makes sure the people never forget their own power.

While they can seem like a scruffy, disorganised people the Lenorians hide a fiercly clever side. Their ships carry them across waters other wouldn't even dare think of crossing and their knowhow of mechanics far surpass their neighbors'. Their harbors are filled with awe-inspiring mechanical structures, creaking and groaning as massive wheels turn to give them life.

The land they inhabit is a harsh, deep wilderness where deep, almost impenetrable forests cover plunging valleys and heights. Traversing it is no easy task, and the fact that they've managed to not only settle but develop it is a testament to their stubbornness.

But though they are very focused on equality and pulling together, there is a darker history of slavery. It is, no doubt, a large part of how they built not only their nation, but their three colonies as well. As time passes, this culture of exploitation is being worn down, but its stain might well last forever.