The Signup process

Signup for the larp is now full, but can sign up for reserve spots and be put in queue for vacancies until the 18th of august 23.59 PM.

The signup form will need the following information:

Telephone number
Birth date -
Diet - Potential allergies or other dieatary needs
Participation in the workshop - If you think you can participate in the workshop or not

Character 1 - Your first choice
Character 2 - Your reserve choice
Character 3 - Your second reserve choice
Other wishes - Potential additional requests you may have


Payment information

Below is information regarding payment of the participation fee. Your fee should be paid by the 31st of August 2019, otherwise your spot will be given to the person first in line for reserve spots. You can send a screenshot of your payment to zacharias.b.holmberg at gmail if you want to be sure that your payment has been registered.

Participation fee : 20€ for Eloria members / 30€ for non-members
(see here for more information)
Account number : FI05 5670 0820 1902 86
Receiver : Finlands Svenska Rollspelsförening Eloria rf
Reference number : 16078

List of characters

Below is a list of camp positions you can sign up to. Taken characters are marked with red.

The characters are already published on Google Drive.

Anders / Andrea - Builder/repairman - "Hammrarin" (The hammerer)
Builds simple constructions and sees to it that the camp buildings are repaired/maintained. The camp's social leader.

Robert / Ramona - Chemist - "Kemistin" (The chemist)
Creates simple ointments and useful chemicals, and most importantly, antiseptics.

Cook - "Kokarin" (The cooker)
Is in charge of making the food.

Ann / Antti - Farmer 1 - "Gräftarin" (The tiller)
Sows seeds, grows simple crops and harvests them.

Becka / Benny - Farmer 2 - "Såarin" (The sower)
Sows seeds, grows simple crops and harvests them.

Moa / Markus - Fisherman - "Fiskarin" (The fisher)
Catches fish for the camp.

Wera / Wille - Herbalist/forager/cook assistant - "Plockarin" (The picker)
Gathers berries, roots and other things from the forest and helps the cook.

Nynäs - Hunter - "Jaktarin" (The hunter)
Hunts game for food and pelts.

Dan / Daniela - Mechanic - "Skruvarin" (The screwer)
Keeps bikes in working condition and is working on designs for camp equipment.

Petra / Paul - Medic - "Plåstrarin" (The doc)
Cleans and stitches wounds, sets broken legs and tries to keep people alive.

Jones - Quartermaster - "Räknarin" (The counter)
Is in charge of overseeing the camp's needs and supplies. Directs the salvage team on what is needed. The camp's leader regarding administrative things.

Mick - Salvager 1 - "Kartläsarin" (The mapreader)
Ventures outside the camp to gather necessary things that the camp needs. Nina's sibling. Player's might want to sign up in a pair.

Nina / Niklas - Salvager 2 - "Samlarin" (The gatherer)
Ventures outside the camp to gather necessary things that the camp needs. Mick's sibling. Player's might want to sign up in a pair.

Jules - Salvager 3 - "Rivarin" (The wrecker)
Ventures outside the camp to gather necessary things that the camp needs.

Mats / Maria - Security chief - "Vaktis" (The Guard)
Plans camp defence and oversees that people keep themselves and camp supplies safe. The camp's leader when it comes to security.

Peter / Patricia - Scout 1 - "Trådarin" (The trudger)
Patrols the area around the camp and watches for signs of wild beasts, wanderers and trespassers.

Kaj / Camilla - Scout 2 - "Spanarin" (The spyer)
Patrols the area around the camp and watches for signs of wild beasts, wanderers and trespassers.

Lea - Tailor - "Lapparin" (The patcher)
Repairs and makes simple clothing.

Johan / Johanna - Technician - "Teknis" (The techie)
Keeps the little tech and solar generators that the camp has in working condition (water extractor, radio, gas alarm etc.)

Ivana / Ivan - Trapper - "Fångarin" (The catcher)
Constructs traps both for animals and possible intruders.

Alex - Weapon expert - "Schtjutarin" (The shooter)
Maintains the camp weapons, services them and constructs/repairs bows.

Oskar / Emma - Woodcutter - "Huggarin" (The chopper)
Works with cutting and sawing wood for camp needs.
All content © Zacharias Holmberg unless stated otherwise.